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  • We believe in the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov, the One true G-d Creator of all things, the G-d of Israel, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent, Who revealed Himself in the entire Holy Scriptures as Fathe(HaAv), Son (HaBen) and Holy Spirit (HaRuach HaKodesh), and yet is One (echad).
  • We believe that the Mikrei Kodesh (Jewish Scriptures) as given in the original languages are divinely inspired and without error. The Scriptures are our supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • We believe that G-d is Spirit, and as Father, sent His Son, Yeshua to die sacrificially for us, yet He remains eternally One (echad). We believe that Yeshua Mashichanu, the “Anointed One” foretold by the Jewish prophets, fully G-d and fully man, sinless, without spot or blemish, fulfilled in his virgin birth, teaching, miracles, death on the execution stake, and bodily resurrection, the plan of G-d to bring atonement (kapparah) for sin through his shed blood. All those who repent of their sins and confess their faith in G-d receive forgiveness on the basis of G-d’s mercy and grace through Yeshua’s death and resurrection and have the assurance of sin forgiven and the sure hope of eternal life.
  • We believe that the Mikrei Kodesh teach that all men and women, regardless of background, are separated from the living G-d by their sin, and that salvation comes only through

    • Recognition of one’s sinful condition
    • Repentance, i.e., turning away from sin and back to G-d with works of Mitzvot following
    • Acceptance of Yeshua’s atonement by faith freely offered by G-d.
  • We believe that the gift of the Ruach HaKodesh is given by G-d to indwell and empower each believer to live a sanctified and holy life. As the Scriptures testify, the Ruach is given to ‘cause us to walk in G-d’s ways’.
  • We believe in G-d’s eternal plan for the nation and people of Israel, and in Mashiach’s visible return in power and glory as King of Israel to rule and reign from Yerushalayim.
  • We believe in the resurrection of the dead; all Israel will go on to eternal life (Olam Haba).
  • We believe that in these days, G-d is calling the Jewish people back to Himself as He promised through the prophets, and that He is bringing indigenous Messianic Synagogues into being as part of His end-time plan. As a community of international Jews together in Yeshua Mashichanu, our goal is to follow the Torah of Moshe as taught by, lived out, and given full meaning in Mashiach.


All member Synagogues/ national bodies should uphold the key and core concepts outlined below to be in membership of the UEMS:

  1. In these end times G-d is bringing times of refreshing upon Israel and Judaism. Judaism is the ancient faith outlined and described in the complete Torah, the only expression of faith ever commanded by G-d.
  2. Judaism is not something negative, nor to be replaced, but it is in real need of renewal. The UEMS and its constituent bodies pledge to be a part of this renewal process of Judaism, according to the paradigm and interpretation of Mashiach Yeshua, revealing the core intentions of Torah for the Jewish people, Israel.
  3. Messianic Judaism is not only a Judaism but, we believe, will be revealed to be the form of Judaism for the end times. The UEMS is committed to work on the implications of this vision in the renewing and revitalising of Judaism.
  4. We are committed to live as Jews (whether born as such or converted) within the local and national wider Jewish communities, wherever our own community is located.
  5. Regional, historical and applicational differences due to theological understandings and cultural differences are to be expected and accepted in the spirit of co-operation and mutual support, within the framework of (Messianic) Judaism as understood above.
  6. As Jews, we share the national burden of reaching out to the nations with the Good News of salvation, encouraging conversion through the acceptance of Yeshua Mashichanu’s sacrificial death and resurrection. We also have the imperative to share such Good News with our fellow Jews in whatever community.


Our purpose is:

How we shall achieve this:

To unite Messianic Synagogues across Europe within a fellowship framework of co-operation, mutual support, accountability and encouragement.

  1. All congregations in membership must agree to the Statement of Faith, Vision and Purpose of the UEMS. This membership shall be renewed annually.

  2. We will hold regular national conferences involving all member bodies/Synagogues.

  3. The creation and development of an Internet Website in various languages which connects with all member bodies.

  4. We will organise an annual Leaders Conference open to Leaders of member bodies only.

To serve as a living and united testimony of Messiah within the Jewish communities of Europe and to be a strong testimony to Messianic Judaism as the full revelation of Inspired Scripture, both to our Jewish people and to the wider believing community.

  1. The UEMS will seek to be a resource to individuals/groups from within the Jewish community seeking clarification and answers about Yeshua as Mashiach.

  2. We will support all member bodies in their living witness to our Jewish people.

  3. We will seek to present the full revelation of Messianic Judaism through the means of contact and debate with anyone who is interested.

To spearhead the spiritual revival of our Jewish people.

  1. Regular prayer and fasting days will be set with information circulated prior to these events.

  2. We will seek to be the first point of contact through a high profile for Jewish people seeking the answers to questions about Yeshua Mashichanu.

  3. We will seek to foster an authentic Messianic lifestyle in all member bodies.

  4. National bodies shall oversee the conversions of non-Jews according to an agreed standard laid down and agreed by all member bodies.

To repudiate any form of theology which seeks to undermine the central role and calling of Israel as the people of God, and the centrality of Yeshua as Mashiach.

  1. To give support through teaching or otherwise to leaders and others seeking to learn more about theologies that undermine the vision.

  2. To demonstrate our focus by our Statement of faith and vision.

  3. To deal publicly and nationally with any issues relating to these theologies.

To support the nation and people of Israel.

  1. To provide financial aid to Messianic Synagogues in Israel.

  2. To present a positive view of Israel at every opportunity.

  3. To show solidarity with Israel in as many practical ways as possible, including involvement in national Israeli holidays and celebrations.

To provide structured and certified courses of training and development for leaders within member bodies which (may) lead to ordination.

  1. The establishment of a teaching or training programme for Messianic leaders either in conjunction with other organisations or within this organisation.

  2. The provision of an ordination programme for Messianic rabbis and chazanot.

  3. Regular marking of exam work and feedback of progress.

  4. Provision of mentors to new and trainee leaders.


  • the name of the organisation shall be the Union of European Messianic Synagogues
  • membership shall be by invitation of a majority of the current leadership
  • the leaders of the UEMS shall aim to meet at least twice yearly at locations and times to be decided by its members
  • all projects or programmes of the UEMS shall have the approval of a majority of those current leaders
  • there currently is no formal steering committee of the UEMS, apart from the current leaders. This will be reviewed regularly.